Who We Are
KCCI represents the 140-year history of Korean businesses
KCCI (the Korea Chamber of commerce and Industry) is the leading Economic Organization in Korea.(est. 1884)
KCCI is all-encompassing in representing Korean companies
Holding over 200,000 large, medium, and small businesses across all industries as members
Holding over 700 industry and field-specific associations as special members
KCCI participates in government-led activities to promote business and nationwide economic development
Being an economic organization with the legal ground for establishment in the ‘Chamber of Commerce and Industry Act’
Executing government-delegated tasks such as regulatory sandbox, industrial innovation movement,
business restructuring, national qualification assessments, and trade certifications
What We Do
Improvement of Corporate
Business Environment- Proposing Regulatory Reform Policies
- Providing ESG Management Support
- Responding to Economic Issues
- Promoting New Entrepreneurship Spirit
Representative Activities- Holding regular events representing the economic community
- Arranging Entrepreneurship Awards
- Facilitating Communication with National Assembly and government
- Representing Opinions of Businesses
and Business Sectors
Cooperation- Dispatching Economic Delegations
- Operating Economic Cooperation Committees
- Collaborating with ICC·WCF
- Operating Overseas Offices
Management Support
for Member Companies- Developing Industrial Human Resources and
Enhancing Competency - Supporting Productivity Enhancement in SMEs
- Providing Management Consulting to SMEs
- Promoting Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
- Developing Industrial Human Resources and
- Enhancing Business Environment
- Deregulation
- Business Networking
- International Business Cooperation
- Suppoting Business Activities
Taking Actions on Current Economic Issues
The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry performs economic diagnosis and presents alternative policies for economic vitalization, conducts surveys on the condition and opinion of businesses, and participates in major government forums to represent opinions of the economic community.
Supporting Corporate Governance
We voice the opinion of business communities regarding legislative bills and policies that have direct and indirect influence on business management, prepare roadmaps for reform, and deliver recommendations to the government and the National Assembly.
Improving Regulation
We identify regulations, review alternative measures, and advocate reforms in order to relieve difficulties experienced by businesses due to regulations.
Promoting Corporate Social Activity
We host Corporate Social Responsibility award ceremonies, develop campaigns for social contributions, investigate and announce the Corporate Favorite Index (CFI), and host various other events such as the Korea Corporate Photography Contest in order to encourage businesses to voluntarily fulfill their social responsibilities to society and to spread pro-business sentiments.
History: 100 years of deregulation. From the proposal to ease corporate burdens (in 1930) to a regulatory sandbox (in 2020)
The KCCI’s efforts toward deregulation stretch back almost a century.Between the 1930s and the 1950s, the KCCI proposed streamlining the tax system to ease the burden on corporations.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the KCCI put forth efforts to build a stable corporate environment by proposing the deregulation of pricing policies.
Beginning in 1982, the KCCI and the heads of regional chambers started holding monthly meetings to identify areas that could be deregulated with the aim of invigorating the market economy.
In 1988, the KCCI set up an in-house committee to suggest improvements to laws related to commerce and industry.
In 1994, the Presidential Blue House established an organization to regularly review such regulations as potential entry barriers.
Since 2000, the KCCI has made quarterly economic/regulatory proposals, amounting to about an average of 50 every year, together with other major business associations.
They have been well received as amply demonstrated by:
- The prompt signing of a free trade agreement with the United States (in 2006)
- The scrapping of the minimum land requirements to build factories (in 2003)
In 2004, the KCCI founded a “private center to reform economic regulations” following a request by former President Roh Moo-hyun. The center, whose name was changed to the Regulatory Improvement Bureau, has delivered various suggestions on deregulation to the government.
Included in the successful cases are:
- The “One-Shot Act” geared toward helping corporate restructuring and business M&As (in 2015)
- The legalization of drive-in restaurants at gas stations (in 2010)
In 2020, the KCCI established the Regulatory Sandbox Support Center. -
1. Regulatory Improvement Bureau 2. SGI, Research Bureau 3. Regulatory Sandbox Support Center
The KCCI operates three organizations in a bid to support deregulation.(1) The Regulatory Improvement Bureau, a government-civic organization that checks problems related to regulations
(2) The SGI (Sustainable Growth Initiative) Research Division that deals with and studies regulatory policies
(3) The Regulatory Sandbox Support Center, a private organization that helps settle regulation-associated problems in a practical fashion
The Regulatory Improvement Bureau listens to the difficulties that businesspeople encounter, while the SGI Research Division comes up with policy reports and proposals on how to improve the corporate environment.
The last bastion is the regulatory sandbox, which allows for the relaxation of regulations to accommodate innovation. -
Functions: Figuring out regulation-related woes → Politic responses/in-depth research → Practical settlement of regulations
(1) The Regulatory Improvement Bureau is jointly run by the Office for Government Policy Coordination and the KCCI to help businesspeople deal with problems they encounter. The quasi-public organization puts forth efforts to improve regulations, which weigh on small- and medium-sized enterprises and small-business owners.
(2) The SGI Research Division works as a partner in government policy formulation by laying out new frameworks for deregulation. The KCCI presents various ideas in a move to change regulatory policies from a positive system (prohibition in principle and permission through exceptions) to a negative one (permission in principle and prohibition through exceptions), and replace ex-ante regulations with ex-post ones.
In addition, the SGI Research Division compares the business environments of over 220 local governments to come up with a “Nationwide Deregulation Map” and offers the “KCCI Report,” which deals with National Assembly moves on regulations.
(3) Under relevant laws, the Regulatory Sandbox Support Center operates as the only legitimate private organization to deal with regulatory sandbox applications.
The regulatory sandbox, which debuted in 2019, allows for the relaxation of regulations to accommodate innovative products and services. Korea is the first country in the world to allow a private entity to operate such a system.
All companies in areas such as convergence industries, ICT, and finance can apply for sandbox mediation. The KCCI offers consultations, legal reviews, and post-management services to applicants while helping them prepare documents free of charge.-
New Year's Greeting Party
Early every year, we invite key individuals from businesses, politics, governments, media, academia, and diplomacy to share New Year’s greetings with the President and reaffirm an energetic beginning in the New Year.
CEO Summer Forum
Every summer, we host a forum comprised of various programs in Korea’s popular holiday destination, Jeju Island, to provide an opportunity for businesspeople to develop and share business strategies.
CEO Breakfast Meeting
We invite prestigious speakers including ministers and frequently host breakfast meetings to provide information needed for business management.
- Tax Committee
- Distribution Committee
- Small & Medium Sized Enterprises Committee
- Tourism Industry Committee
- Finance Committee
- Logistics Committee
- International Trade Committee
- Medium-Sized Enterprise Committee
- Employment & Labor Committee
- Environment & Climate Committee
- Seoul District Economic Committee
- Corporate Social Contribution Committee
We operate committees for each business sector and area to discuss prevailing issues in commerce and industry and encourage interaction among members.
Dispatching Business Delegation & Market Research Teams
We dispatch business delegations and market research teams to major countries around the world to improve trade environments and expand international business opportunities.
Operating Bilateral Economic Cooperation Committees
We operate bilateral Economic Cooperation Committees with 51 countries for non-government business cooperation.
Asia & Oceania (18 countries)China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Fiji
Europe (11 countries)Spain, Turkey, Austria, Greece, Czech, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Ireland
Latin America (8 countries)Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Bolivia, Jamaica
Middle East (7 countries)Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Iraq
Africa (7 countries)Egypt, Tunisia, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Cooperating with ICC, WCF & CACCI
The Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) joined and has become a member of the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) since 1951. Also, the KCCI is a participating member of the WCF (World Chambers Federation), a federation of chambers of commerce and industry of each country. The KCCI also is an active member of CACCI (Confederation of Asian Chambers of Commerce and Industry), a group of chambers of commerce and industry from 24 nations in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Beijing Office & the Korea Chamber of Commerce in China
The Beijing Office was founded in 1993 to support Korean businesses in China. Also, the Beijing Office acts as the executive office of the Korea Chamber of Commerce in China and has a membership of about 6,000 Korean businesses as of 2015.
- Add : RM 910 Xiandai Qiche building No38 Xiaoyun Road Chaoyang District Beijing China
- Tel : 86-10-8453-9756~8
- E-mail : china@korcham.net
Vietnam Office & the Korea Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam
The Vietnam Office, located in Hanoi, was founded in 2009 to support Korean businesses in Vietnam. Also, the Vietnam Office acts as the executive office of the Korea Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam which is comprised of Korean businesses in Vietnam.
- Add : Unit 907, 9th floor, Daehan Business Center, 360 Kim Ma Str., Ba Dinh Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
- Tel : 84-4-3771-3719
- E-mail : vietnam@korcham.net
Recognition of Distinguished Businesspeople
The KCCI, together with the government, rewards corporations and businesspeople who have contributed to the development of commerce and trade.
Operating Bilateral Economic Cooperation Committees
We operate bilateral Economic Cooperation Committees with 51 countries for non-government business cooperation.
Commerce & Industry DayCommerce & Industry Day has been designated as an official government memorial day in 1974. An annual ceremony is hosted on the third Wednesday of March to award medals, badges and citations to individuals who have contributed to the development of commerce and industry.
Business Innovation Grand AwardOutstanding cases of business’ innovative management practices are identified and given awards, including the Presidential Award.
Single PPM Quality Innovation AwardEver since the promotion of the Single PPM Quality Innovation in 1995, corporations and individuals who achieve outstanding results are given awards, including the Presidential Award.
Distribution Grand AwardSince 1996, outstanding corporations and individuals who have contributed to the improvement of the distribution system and logistics industry are awarded medals, badges, and citations.
Educational Programs
We support various educational programs that aim to improve managerial competency of CEOs and cultivate functional knowledge of employees.
CEO ProgramsCreative Innovation CEO Academy, CEO Humanities Forum, etc.
Online ProgramsManagerial Duties, Leadership, Personal Development, Foreign Languages, and other various online educational programs.
Tax and Accounting ProgramsTax Specialist Course, Accounting Practice Course, Value Added Tax Course, Withholding Tax/Year-end Tax Adjustment Practical Course, Explanatory Course on Revised Tax Laws, etc.
Practical Programs for Small BusinessesPractical training and briefing sessions for small businesses provided at ‘Chambers of Commerce’ in 25 Seoul City districts.
Job ProgramsNew Project Development Planning Course, Sales and Marketing Course, Labor Management Course, Big Data Statistical Analysis Course, Customer Management Course, etc.
Management Counseling
We provide professional consulting services for managerial difficulties related to establishing a business or a venture, labor and human resources, taxation and accounting, funding and financing, trade and investment, management and marketing, legal, patents, and technology, etc.
Support for SME Innovation
We develop managerial innovation and quality improvement activities to improve competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Launching of the Industry Innovation Movement 3.0
We develop managerial innovation movements including technological innovation of 2nd and 3rd tier subcontractors to large corporations, working condition improvements, and production process improvements as well as provide training and consulting for increasing productivity.
Single PPM Quality Innovation
We advocate services such as on-site visit coaching by experienced advisors, CEO and employee quality control training, and Single PPM certification support.
Provision of Global Standard Barcodes
The KCCI, as the representative institution of the GS1, supplies international standard barcodes to businesses and provides standards-based services.
Human Resource Development
We operate 8 Human Resources Development Centers where technical personnel are trained and provided to businesses.
These 8 Human Resources Development Centers are located in Busan, Incheon, Gwangju, Gyeonggi (Paju City), Gangwon (Hongcheon County), North Chungcheong (Okcheon County), South Chungcheong (Gongju City), and North Jeolla (Gunsan City).Certification of OriginDocuments which verify that exported goods are grown, raised, manufactured or processed in Korea including General Certificate of Origin, Concession of Tariff Certificate of Origin, and FTA Certificate of Origin.
General Trade CertificationServices which certify trade documents such as commercial invoice, packing list, certificate of value, and signature authentication in order to obtain authenticity and objectivity of the trade documents issued by exporting businesses and international organizations.
ATA CarnetsServices that increase the speed and ease of the customs clearance process by issuing certificates which can substitute complicated customs clearance documents or mortgages needed for the momentary export, import, and bonded transportation of goods such as trade samples, work tools, and materials used for exhibitions between member countries of the ATA Convention.
Professional Certification
We hold qualifying examinations and issue licenses related to office work.
Office Work & IT
Computer Specialist in Spreadsheet & Database, word processors, secretary, IT PLUS
Distribution & Marketing
Marketing manager, electronic commerce manager, electronic commerce operator
Accounting & Taxation
Computerized Accounting Specialist, Corporate Tax Practice
Foreign Languages & Chinese Characters
English for International Trading, FLEX, Chinese Characters Proficiency Test
Professional Skills
Korean shorthand writing, computer operation engineer, furniture design drawing master, smartphone application master
Aptitude Test

Currently KCCI and 73 local CCIs exist
Completed the construction of the new KCCI building Founded the Business Institute for Sustainable Development(BISD)
Hosted the 2nd World Chambers Congress(WCC) in Seoul
Took over 8 vocational training institutes and launched vocational training services
Joined EAN(i.e. GS1) and launched barcodes services
Celebrated the 100th anniversary of establishment of CCI in Korea
Celebrated the 1st Commerce and Industry Day
Authorized KCCI and 24 local CCIs as the public juristic person
Enacted the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Act
Established the Joseon(i.e. Korea) Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Enacted the Chamber of Commerce Act by the Joseon Dynasty
Established the Hanseong(i.e. Seoul) Chamber of Commerce

Contact Us
The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Add : The korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry 39, Sejongdaero, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04513, Korea
- Tel : 82-2-6050-3543
- E-mail : international@korcham.net